What Happens After I Lose a Lawsuit in Nova Scotia?

What Happens After I Lose a Lawsuit in Nova Scotia?

If you participate in a lawsuit and lose, the judge will issue an order against you. The order will outline the details of his decision, specifically the details of what you are legally obligated to do. In many cases this involves paying somebody a certain amount of money. At this point you can simply choose to pay the amount the judge has ordered you to. However, for a lot of people this is not a realistic option.


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Do Nova Scotia Builders' Liens Really Work?

Do Nova Scotia Builders' Liens Really Work?

I was asked recently by a contractor if there was really any value in filing a builder’s lien in Nova Scotia. Reading between the lines, I gathered what he was really asking was, is it worth the money in legal fees that it would cost to go through with a builder’s lien process. The answer is, it depends.

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