Getting a Home Appraisal in Nova Scotia? What's that all about?

Getting a Home Appraisal in Nova Scotia? What's that all about?

There are many reasons home owners require an appraisal, but the most common appraisal requests are for lending purposes. When a financial institution is considering granting a loan to purchase, improve or refinance a property, they need confirmation of the current market value of the property that will be securing their investment. An appraiser is called upon to provide an unbiased opinion of value based on market research and analysis and a review of the subject property.  Appraisals are also commonly sought for real estate transactions, estate planning, separation and divorce settlements and insurance purposes. 

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Do Nova Scotia Builders' Liens Really Work?

Do Nova Scotia Builders' Liens Really Work?

I was asked recently by a contractor if there was really any value in filing a builder’s lien in Nova Scotia. Reading between the lines, I gathered what he was really asking was, is it worth the money in legal fees that it would cost to go through with a builder’s lien process. The answer is, it depends.

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