Wonder what a property lawyer actually does? In our 'behind the scenes' series, Briana O'Grady, property lawyer at Highlander Law Group in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada shines a light on some practical things you can do to make your closing day smooth.. 

Today's topic is: Fixtures - What Stays Behind on Closing Day.

Today's topic is: How clean does you house have to be on Closing Day.

Today's topic: 'Right of Ways', What they are & Why you should care.

Today's topic is: What happens on Closing Day.

Today's topic is What to expect for ‘Closing Costs’

Home purchases & sales  Title insurance   Mortgage Refinance   Private purchase and sale agreements •  Collateral mortgages • Right of Ways • Quit Claim Deeds • Failed Transactions

Buying and selling a home in Nova Scotia is a big deal, and not something most people do often.  We get that.  When you work with us, our team will guide you through the entire process step by step. When you have questions along the way, we’ll take the time to fully explain the answer.  And if something unexpected comes up, we’ll be your voice.  We’ll make sure things are resolved quickly and in a way that you find acceptable.