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Video Game Addictions lead to Separation & Divorce

A recent article highlighted the fact that in the UK, over 200 divorce petitions have referenced the popular video game Fortnite as one of the reasons for divorce. As silly as it sounds that people would get divorced over a video game, digital addictions are causing more and more problems.

As video games become more immersive and sophisticated, some people also claim they are being designed to tap into our neural pathways so that we are more likely to become addicted to them. One of the reasons gaming is so popular is that it allows you to escape the daily world we live in and inhabit a fantasy realm. This is especially attractive when your daily life is difficult and stressful.

Many people now believe that digital or video game addiction is real and that there are ways to treat it. The video game industry is now bigger that the movie industry. Today, almost everyone carries around a phone; and PlayStation and Xbox consoles are in many homes. Video games are big business, and repeat customers are a real money maker.

Whether or not you believe that it is possible to become addicted to video games in the same way as people are addicted to drugs is largely an academic debate. If a person is spending several hours a day gaming, that takes away from time spent connecting with their spouse and kids, and can certainly lead to relationship problems.

If you think video games or other behaviours are impacting your relationship, you may be able to get back on the right track by seeing a counsellor on your own or with your spouse.

If you have questions about to protect yourself, your children and your property when your relationship breaks down, please call (902) 826-3070 to set up a no-obligation Issue Reveiw Consult today.

By: Dianna M. Rievaj, MBA, LLB - Founding Lawyer

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